Defender FS gaskets were engineered for Fire Safe, extreme, high reliability sealing and electrical isolation in critical service applications. They are designed to withstand the rigorous API standard 6FB (Third Edition) test and therefore provide a solution for those who want to electrically isolate their flange while also requiring protection against the introduction of fire in and around the flange. The Defender FS sealing/isolating gasket and kit, which includes sleeves and isolation washers, exceeds the pressure-containing capabilities in standard 6FB (Third Edition) as outlined by API and is able to maintain its fire safe characteristics throughout the entirety of the test. These gaskets are well suited for high reliability sealing and electrical isolation critical service applications and locations where highly volatile fluids are present.The Defender FS kit streamlines the ordering process by bundling the Defender FS gasket with sleeves and washers to create an API 6FB rated, fully isolated flange connection.
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